Good Housekeeping
Edisi Juli 2013
Dr. Andi Sugiarto, SpRM Seksologi
Hp 081 2291 0565
Praktek : Jalan Cinde Barat No. 13 Semarang
Senin sampai dengan Jumat Pk 11.00 – 20.00 dan Sabtu Pk 10.00 – 16.00
Good Housekeeping
Edisi Juli 2013
Dr. Andi Sugiarto, SpRM Seksologi
Hp 081 2291 0565
Praktek : Jalan Cinde Barat No. 13 Semarang
Senin sampai dengan Jumat Pk 11.00 – 20.00 dan Sabtu Pk 10.00 – 16.00
remember massive reps like hearmn maer did to strenghten the small muscless so that the big shit can handle the massive stuff you doI am guessing u are already doing thisThis is a 7 month old training video you put together before the season by the wayKeep the faith and keep rehabing and go into hotpsrings too