How long can sperm survive after ejaculation?

Research has shown that some sperm may survive in the Fallopian tubes up to 7 days, with the average amount of time being 3 to 4 days.

The sperm survive much longer once they have traveled through the cervical opening into the woman’s body which is a good reason to try and elevate your bottom in order to encourage the sperm to travel, with the help of gravity, to your cervix more quickly and in greater quantities.

Theories also suggest that the contractions associated with orgasms pull sperm from the vagina to the cervix, where it’s in better position to reach the egg.

Sperm, in the vagina, can only survive about six hours due to the acidic vaginal secretions. The cervical mucus present when ovulation is near, is more alkaline and more hospitable to sperm. The egg white consistency of the cervical mucus helps the sperm move more easily through the vagina to the cervix, increasing the chance that the sperm will be in the correct location for fertilization to occur.

If the woman’s cervical mucus is not as hospitable to the sperm as it should be, not enough egg white consistency, she may need to use a lubricant to help. Pre-Seed personal lubricant is the only lubricant on the market which does not harm sperm. The consistency and pH is as close to natural cervical mucus as you can get.